LawTrust Swiss > Blockchain > Initial Coin Offerings (ICOs)


We help you to launch your Initial Coin Offering (ICO), Security Token Offering (STO) or Initial Exchange Offering (IEO) in Switzerland in a compliant way. We truly believe that token generation events are still a valid and relevant instrument of the digital economy creating new opportunities, innovative business models and access to alternative finance instruments.

Initial Coin Offerings (ICOs)

ICOs and STOs are alternative finance instruments for new and reshaped traditional business models.

We can help you as of the early stages of project conceptualization in order to guide you through the process of structuring such operations involving our technical, tax and regulatory partners.


  • General advisory and review on the proposed business model;
  • Coordination of work executed by technical partners, tax advisors, legal regulatory experts, etc.;
  • Incorporation and management of corporate structures in Switzerland and abroad;
  • Outsourcing of AML compliance functions;
  • Financial reporting and administration of corporate structures;
  • Introduction to crypto banks, exchanges and other relevant partners.


We are an owner run boutique office and our aim is to deliver distinctly different level of service, which focuses on developing long term partnerships with our clients and not just selling our products and services. Our personal approach ensures that we have a clear understanding of your particular circumstances and expectations, so we can provide the level of services which fits you exactly. We believe in traditional values in listening to our clients and arranging the best mix of professional skills and jurisdictional advantage in order to achieve our clients ’ goals. We are regulated by FINMA through VQF (‘Financial Services Standards Associations’).